A Staff do Layer Lemonade


Dhyan Shanasa – CEO & Diretor de Conteúdo | @supernovaduo_
Arpana Uttara – Gestor Financeiro e Head de Vendas | @uttara1
Maurélio Toscano – Head de Estratégias Digitais | @maureliotoscano


Dhyan Shanasa – Manual do Freelancer & Motion Class | @supernovaduo_
Ester Rossoni – Manual do Freelancer, Tutoriais, Insights e Top Motion | @supernovaduo_
Joan Victor – Tutoriais | Behance


Dhyan Shanasa – Redator Chefe | @supernovaduo_
Daniel Cavalcanti – Redator & Revisão | @dancavalcantti
Leo Fernandes – Redator | @destropier
Verônica Emily – Redatora | @emiri.jp


Arpana Uttara – Gestor Financeiro e Head de Vendas | @uttara1
Matheus Galvão – Atendimento, Suporte & Edição de Vídeo | @galvaomotion
Gabrielle Ferreira – Atendimento Comercial | @gaabi_bromens
Bruna Monteiro – Financeiro
Sabrina Del Bianco – Gestora de Projetos
João Pedro Nunes – Designer
Léo Quint – Motion Designer | @kint.motion
Miguel Souza – Social Media
Vitor Luiz – Tráfego
Izabella Santos Guariento – Copy

Live Music, elderly women wanting sex. Ittle Dew – Youtube Trailer Adventuress Ittle Dew and her sidekick Tippsie crash onto a strange island, filled with loot and mysterious inhabitants. As you do not know the man in the opposite end, you must take care to use a false name, to start with see post. The shops are supplied to order with freshly picked fruit, guaranteed to have been picked with 48 hours of delivery.